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Foundation Course


Link to the results of the final exam (written exam) and procedures for carrying out the exam


General information, please read carefully.

 The lessons are live and online, with recordings on this webpage later on.






1) Suggested Textbook:           



2) Types of lessons:                 3 credits (24 hours) explicative lessons (frontal) by Prof. Stefano Landi (Biology 1)

3 credits (24 hours) explicative lessons (frontal) by Prof. Cosmeri Rizzato (Biology 2)


3) The program:                        The detailed program and calendar of lessons are reported in this webpage.



4) Reception of students:         There is not any specific time or day for reception. Students may book an appointment by writing directly to the professor, using an institutional (…@unipi.it) e-mail address, at the e-mail address: stefano.landi@unipi.it

                                                     Any e-mail coming from a non-institutional address (e.g. ...@google.com …@yahoo.com… etc) are filtered by the Anti-spam, and not read.


5) The exam:                               The exam is written (must be participated with PC) and administered through GoogleForms.



Planned calendar for year 2023-2024 of Biology 1 (Landi)

The official program will be also placed here:

Link to be assigned

–Warning: video links may not start automatically and in some cases only the audio file will start.

If so, it is advisable to click on the link with the right mouse button and save the file on the PC using “Save destination as”.

Then use a player to read the MP4 file, VLC player recommended.

90-minute files are approximately 2GB. Download times vary depending on the network.



In presence lessons are held at Polo Fibonacci, Room/Aula F1



Academic year 2023-2024.


Lesson 1


Introduction to the course.


Test for lesson 1


Lesson 2



Test for lesson 2


Lesson 3



Test for lesson 3


Lesson 4




Test for lesson 4


Lesson 5





Test for lesson 5


Lesson 6




Test for lesson 6


Lesson 7




Test for lesson 7


Lesson 8





Test for lesson 8








