Curriculum vitae

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CV (Stefano Landi)



1981 - 1986: High School (MaturitaScientifica). Liceo Scientifico Vallisneri (Lucca).

1986 – 1991: University of Pisa, Italy.  Master’s Degree in  Biological Sciences (110/110 + lode)

1992 ‑ 1995:   Ph. D. (1) in Genetics (“Dottorato di Ricerca in Scienze Genetiche”)

1999 - 2002:   Ph. D (2) in Applied Genetics (“Scuola di specializzazione in Genetica Applicata”)


·                  1995‑2001: continuative fellowships including:

(i)      Fellowship for perfecting in a foreign country by the University of Pisa, Italy

(ii)     Post-Doctoral Fellowship by the University of Pisa, Italy

(iii)    Post‑Doctoral Fellowship. National Research Council, Washington DC (USA); US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA (1998-2000).

(iv)   Post-doctoral fellow (Special Training Award). International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Lyon, France. (1998-1999).

(v)      Marie Curie Fellowship (1999-2001). IARC. Lyon, France.

(vi)    Scientist position. IARC. Lyon, France. 

·                  2001- 2011: Researcher at the University of Pisa

·                  20121 – present time: Associate Professor at the University of Pisa


Academic activity:

Teaching the following courses at the Faculty of Science (University of Pisa):

·                     Human Genetics II (2002-2003), 5 credits

·                     Genetic Engeneering (2003-2004), 5 credits

·                     Structural and Functional Genomics (2005-2009), 5 credits.

·                     Genetics and Genomics Analyses (2010-present), 6 credits.

·                    Genetics (2012-present), 6 credits.



·                    Marie-Curie Individual Fellowship HPMFCT-2000-00483 (European Commission)

·                    01/01/2004: Marie-Curie Reintegration Grant funded by the European Commission. Contract number MERG-CT-2004-506373

·                    AIRC (Associazione Italiana Ricerca Cancro) Toscana Regional Grants (2004-2007)

·                     AIRC (Associazione Italiana Ricerca Cancro) Principal Investigators Grant (2005)

·                    NCI (NIH-USA) Grant code R03CA115062, small grants in cancer epidemiology program. Title: “Micro-array-based genotyping for studying susceptibility to mesothelioma” (2006-2008) 55000$ per year

·                   AIRC (Associazione Italiana Ricerca Cancro) Principal Investigator Grant. N. 4601 del 2008-2011

·                   Contributo triennale per progetto di ricerca da “Fondazione Buzzi” Prot. 156 del 25/02/2010 (cod. P22)

·                   PRIN (ex-40%) 2009




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